Today is a heartfelt day to both salute and offer a toast to our veterans. When I thank servicemen and women for their service, I mean it from my core. Those who answer the call of duty is a patriot to me.
82nd Airborne Bourbon Bottle
Earlier this year, I wrote that this bottle is unique and tied to a famous military division in American history. You can find my original story here, but I would like to add a postscript to the original blog post because of Veterans Day. A follower of contacted me after the story was published and asked if I knew how to get him a bottle. Because it had been challenging to find, I hesitated until he mentioned that his father was part of the 82nd Airborne and it would be a great gift to present to him. During my next trip to Kentucky, I was lucky to secure another bottle for him. That was a successful bourbon hunt that made me proud.
Bourbon veterans
I have been fortunate to know many veterans in my life: my uncle’s Art, Bud, and Jerry representing the Air Force, Army, and Navy. My great friend Mark is no longer with us but he was a veteran and was as responsible as anyone in introducing me to bourbon. Fast forward to new friends who share a common interest in bourbon. George, John, and Dave, I genuinely thank you for your service and friendship. All of these men answered the call to serve our country.
Horse Soldier Bourbon – part one
I was first introduced to Horse Soldier Bourbon while dining at Charlie’s Still on Main in Milford, Michigan. A gentleman brought a bottle in, and both the bottle and some of the backstory were captivating. Not only is this bourbon made by veterans, but several of the original Horse Soldiers are involved. The Horse Soldiers were the first special forces team to lead the American response to September 11, 2001. The whole story of this bourbon is exciting, authentic, and inspiring. Each Horse Soldier bottle is created from a mold made from steel recovered from ground zero. Find out more about the compelling, and truly heroic, Horse Soldier story next week in Horse Soldier Bourbon Part two.
Bourbonfool News
Watch out for information on our first ever Pop Up retail event just in time for the holidays. Want to purchase a one of a kind gift for the bourbon enthusiast, this is your chance. Save the date: Saturday, December 4th. Not only can you buy custom gifts, but you can enjoy your favorite bourbon at the same time!

What’s New at Charlie’s This Week
This bottle may be the best bottle for cold holiday nights! Watch the video HERE.