Hopefully, many of you have been following our series of whiskey reviews. Not only do we do What’s new at Charlie’s bourbon reviews, but we have also ventured into several other whiskeys. The goal is to provide you a glimpse into what we think of a newly available whiskey. Some weeks, we review a product on the market for a while but has not been easily attainable. Other times, we introduce products as they become available.

Blood Oath Pact 7
If you enjoy bourbon blends, you should try the latest in a line of fine bourbon from Lux Row Distiller’s. Blood Oath Pact 7 includes a 14-year rye bourbon combined with two 8-year-old rye bourbons barrel finished in sauternes wine casks. The sweetness of the wine finishing creates a flavorful balance with the rye spice. Sauternes is a French sweet wine originating from the Bordeaux region of France. It is a blend of grapes, and the impact on this bourbon is interesting. You can watch the review of Blood Oath Pact 7 HERE.
Two previous reviews
There are two previous what’s new at Charlie’s bourbon reviews that are worth revisiting. When you talk about bourbon that has been barrel-finished in wine casks, two more deserve another look.
Bardstown Bourbon Company Prisoner
This 100 proof Tennessee bourbon finished in Prisoner Wine Company barrels for 18 months. This bourbon is especially relevant because the Bardstown Bourbon Company Experience will be visiting Charlie’s Still on Main the night of September 2nd. Stop by and say hello; I would not miss it! If you did not see our video review, you can watch it HERE.
Thomas S. Moore Extended Cask Finishes
Yes, we do talk about all three varieties of this series. Port cask finished, Cabernet Sauvignon cask finished, and the surprising winner, Chardonnay cask finished. It was not what we expected, and we were pleasantly surprised. To find out why you can watch it HERE.
What’s New at Charlie’s Bourbon Reviews is not all we have done. If you venture onto the Bourbonfool YouTube channel, you will find that we have reviewed some rye whiskey, a single barrel malt, and even a Canadian whisky. Thank you and cheers!