Last December, we published a post titled Bourbon Trivia to Dazzle your Friends. It continues to be one of the most visited pages on our blog. Today, we are going to give you a little more bourbon trivia. See how many you can answer without looking them up. You can find the Answers listed below the photo.

  1. Marjorie Mattingly Samuels of Maker’s Mark was the first woman elected into the Kentucky Bourbon Hall of Fame in 2014. Can you name this recent female inductee into the Hall of Fame, who not only became the first female Master Bourbon Taster in the world but also went on to form the Bourbon Women organization?
  2. 1976 was the bi-centennial celebration of the United States. The first, “flavored” whiskey, was also released. Name this brand that is still a best-seller today?
  3. What do Orene Parker, M.V. Monarch, Taylor and Williams, and C. L. Applegate have in common?
  4. A croze is a critical part of every barrel of whiskey. Do you know what a croze is?
  5. In 1937, there were a lot of Kentucky bourbon brands. Prohibition had ended in 1933, and many companies were competing to get their products to market. Were there 67, 129, 311, or 530 competing Kentucky bourbon brands in 1937?
  6. Academy award-winning actress Sophia Loren appeared in magazines advertising this bourbon. Can you name the product she endorsed?
  7. During the 1860s, the United States government hired gaugers to measure barrel volumes. This calculation would determine what taxes were due. What process would a government gauger use to measure quantities of bourbon in a barrel?
  8. In 1976 Jim Beam became the world’s most prominent selling bourbon and continues to hold that distinction today. In 1953, this Brown Forman brand was the best selling bourbon in the nation. Can you guess the best selling bourbon in 1953? For extra bourbon knowledge points, do you also know what brand was the second best selling bourbon that year?
  9. Today, Four Roses, Blanton’s, and Jim Beam have a unique connection. Do you know what it is?
A Building at Four Roses Distillery
The unique architecture of Four Roses Distillery

Peggy Noe Stevens founded the Bourbon Women Association in 2010. While working for Brown-Forman Corporation, she was part of the team that created the Kentucky Bourbon Trail experience with the Kentucky Distillers Association. She was elected to the Kentucky Bourbon Hall of Fame in 2019.

Wild Turkey American Honey, which was named Wild Turkey Honey Liquor when introduced initially. Created for people who thought straight bourbon was too harsh.

Each of these is a Distillery registered in the state of Kentucky. Orene Parker DSP-KY-47, M.V. Monarch DSP-KY-17, Taylor and Williams DSP-KY-240, and C. L. Applegate DSP-KY-15.

The croze is the groove in the top and bottom of a whiskey barrel where the top and bottom fit. Often, the croze is sealed with Paraffin wax to ensure a better seal. The tool that creates the groove can also be called a croze.

There were 530 different brands of bourbon in 1937.

Sophia Loren appeared in print advertising for Ancient Age Bourbon in 1967.

Gaugers would weigh barrels to determine how much tax was due.

Early Times was the best selling bourbon in 1953, followed by Old Stagg.

Kirin Holdings own four Roses, Suntory owns Jim Beam, and Takara Holdings own Blanton’s. A Japanese Company owns each one.